S&W at Bridge 2023

S&W is excited to be back at the Bridge Conference in full force! We wanted to make it easy to connect with us while we are at National Harbor, so below are some of the ways that we will be active throughout the conference. Make sure to connect with us, stop by our booth, and say hi!

We are sponsoring the Advanced Executive Track

This track is for those in fundraising with 10+ years’ experience. As a leader, are you following your organization’s strategic plan? Are you keeping up with the best practices to ensure the sustainability of your organization? How well are your development departments and marketing departments communicating? What tools are being used to build the culture in your organization? Attend the Advanced Executive Track sessions and get the answers you need and more. Click here and select the advanced track to learn more.

Days Until Bridge









How to Enhance Your Skills

and Advance Your Career


Presenting – Scott Schultz
Thursday August 3rd – 8:45am

As a professional with a career in fundraising, it is critical to balance the connection between old school and new school strategies. Contemporary fundraising strategies are at the forefront, and there are clear benefits to considering what works and what doesn’t in the modern age. Additionally, we need to consider some of the tried-and-true strategies that have been fundamental to fundraising success over the years. In this session, we will look at the profession as a whole, where we are headed, and how you can advance your career.

The presentation will help you consider:

• Why mission matters• How to navigate the donor decision process• How to acquire and utilize diverse fundraising skills• How to land your dream job


Our Team at Bridge

Susan Scauzzo

VP & Managing Director – Development & StaffSolutions

Email me to schedule a meeting!

Garth Allen

VP – Data Analytics & Development Operations

Email me to schedule a meeting!

Betsy Murray

Senior Consultant – Direct Response, Development & Strategic Planning

Email me to schedule a meeting!

Steve Berman

Associate Director – Direct Response

Email me to schedule a meeting!

Developing Stewardship

That Stands Out


Presenting – Mary Ellen Fraser with Courtney Dunakin
Thursday August 3rd – 2:30pm

Developing a strong stewardship program will enable your organization to create meaningful relationships and ensure your supporters make your organization a philanthropic priority. High-level donors are essential to every non-profit organization, and now more than ever attracting new donors and retaining long-standing supporters is critically important. This session will outline successful stewardship strategies with concrete examples designed to give major donors meaningful experiences so that your organization stands out in your sector.

In addition, the presentation will cover how organizations can develop strong relationships with corporations to avoid the trap of transactional giving. It will include practical planning tips with implementable strategies that you can employ with your team. The presentation also will offer examples of how long-standing individual and corporate donors, who were crucial during Covid and helped keep non-profits afloat during a tumultuous time, can be stewarded now to ensure continued support in the future.

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