News & Updates

Leadership Perspectives

Nonprofit leaders must plan and strategize. They must sustain momentum while exploring new ways of delivering their mission and increasing their impact. Hear perspectives from our recent leadership webinar.

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Leadership Webinar

Leadership Webinar

Thank you to our panel of nationally focused CEOs for sharing their perspectives on how they have adjusted to today’s realities.

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The Best Roles for Volunteers

The Best Roles for Volunteers

Volunteers contribute to the success of your mission as no other group can. However, there are many unique approaches that can be employed to ensure volunteers’ impact can be particularly meaningful.

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10 Trends in 2021

10 Trends in 2021

We can all agree 2020 was a year like no other—a year in which American philanthropy was tested and came through. With 2020 behind us, we optimistically look to the year ahead at the top trends we believe are worth watching.

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Campaign Planning

Campaign Planning

These days, in planning a campaign there is no single donor mindset. As you seek significant support, you a need bold, long-term vision that lifts donors’ sites beyond this time of crisis.

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Helping Your Board Help You

Helping Your Board Help You

Board trainings, though more and more common, are still not entirely routine. The transformational results of equipping your board with training allows them to advocate for your organization in an important new way.

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2020 Award Winner

2020 Award Winner

Fundraising gives a person a chance to impact the world in ways they wouldn’t have ever imagined. Join us for a conversation with Liz Marafino Fiola, AFP’s most recent M. Jane Williams Award winner and see how her dreams are changing the world.

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Embedded Inequity

Embedded Inequity

As nonprofits take a hard look at how to correct inequities, many are finding they need to move beyond statements of solidarity towards meaningful change. Explore key concepts necessary to begin to make a shift in a fundamentally new direction.

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Year-End Giving Programs

Year-End Giving Programs

Effectively managing your year-end giving program is essential to the success of your development efforts as a whole. Mary Hackett shares share some advice on things you can do now to ensure success!

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Strategic Planning and Your Board

Strategic Planning and Your Board

A board plays a crucial role in the success of an organization’s strategic plan. Steven Scott Bradley and Lauren Hansen-Flaschen share their perspectives on the role of the board in the planning process.

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Success in Planned Giving

Success in Planned Giving

One thing has become clear during these trying times…donors want to help. Planned gifts most often come from loyal donors—not necessarily big donors. That means your most important task is to pay attention to donors in a way that inspires and justifies their loyalty.

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USPS Update – November

USPS Update – November

S&W has been keeping a close eye on updates to USPS postal changes, and any news that may affect mail deliverability or rate changes as we complete Year End fundraising efforts and look ahead to the New Year.

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