Schultz & Williams is pleased to announce its partnership with Uptown! Knauer Performing Arts Center in West Chester, Pennsylvania. Located in an old armory, this energetic startup performing arts venue, is a positive force bringing live music, theater, opera, and film to Chester County. Known for their commitment to access in arts education, they are offering award-winning performing arts classes and workshops.
S&W will develop membership and individual giving programs to support Uptown! providing them with the tools to deepen their impact. The results of this work will set the stage for positive multi-channel contributed revenue lines. Be sure to put Uptown! on your watch list. They are blazing a trail in West Chester.
Downtown West Chester is beautiful, vibrant, and the perfect area for a premiere performing arts venue. Uptown! offers a fantastic experience in the old armory serving the community as a hub for arts, culture, and education. I look forward to working with them and reimagining the future of the performing arts in this region.
-Lynette Zimmerman, S&W Senior Consultant