USPS Postal Rate Increase
Late last week the USPS announced a new postage rate increase schedule that will begin in 2022 and continue until further notice.
Late last week the USPS announced a new postage rate increase schedule that will begin in 2022 and continue until further notice.
S&W has been keeping a close eye on updates to USPS postal changes, and any news that may affect mail deliverability or rate changes as we complete Year End fundraising efforts and look ahead to the New Year.
In recent weeks, the stability of the United States Postal Service and the impact of changes made by newly appointed Postmaster, has come into focus. Stay up to date on the latest announcements.
Our five top takeaways from the 2019 American Museum Membership Conference offer insights and great ideas inspired by new strategies, trends, and success stories from the world of membership. These may prove quite useful as you work to strengthen the membership program at your organization.