News & Updates
Partnership Announced
We are proud to announce our strategic partnership with BoardSource as a leader of excellence in nonprofit governance, promoting the importance of effective board leadership for the benefit of our clients and nonprofits across the globe.
Leadership & Rapid Response
Personal reflections on life in our new reality have given Director Kelly Grattan reason to wonder how her own behavior and responses to the crisis might help nonprofits react most successfully to the current situation.
New Norms
Personal reflections on life in our new reality have given Director Kelly Grattan reason to wonder how her own behavior and responses to the crisis might help nonprofits react most successfully to the current situation.
Direct Response Advice
Be Out There.
Be Sensitive.
Express Your Relevance.
Never Stop Stewarding.
Plan and Prioritize.
2020 Direct Response Marketing
Today, business as usual is impossible to consider, and any sort of new normal seems months or years away. As a result, the organizations our direct response team serves are asking new questions every day about how they should and should not be reaching out to donors and prospects. Here are some solid starting points.
A.I. & Major Gift Fundraising
With the ability to assimilate massive volumes of data and render insightful judgements, artificial intelligence promises one day to be a powerful asset for major gift fundraisers.
Duty with Dignity
The Ministry of Caring in Wilmington, DE, was an honored hero on Good Friday, serving the poor and homeless with dignity and respect.
Building Board Strength
Now is the time to engage your organization’s board more fully than ever. Drawing strength from your board, and, at the same time, strengthening it for beyond the Coronavirus crisis, is key to your organization’s future success.
Client Hero Story!
Mercy Technical High School, the only co-ed Catholic vocational school in the country, conquers incredible challenges bringing the unique hands-on experience of its classes to students from a distance.
Kayla Brown, pictured above, is a Mercy Tech junior in the school’s culinary arts program.
Digital Delivers
A healthcare client is challenged when lodging for many of its long-distance outpatients receiving cancer care is closed due to COVID-19. But here’s a success story that proves the value of a rapid response digital fundraising campaign.
New Partner
Our strategic planning team is pleased to announce its new partnership with Faces & Voices of Recovery.
Advice from the Top
President Scott Schultz shares several ways to make the best of our current fundraising climate. This is a time to take decisive action, advancing your organization’s ability to not only survive this crisis, but to be positioned to achieve success when it subsides.
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