Ind. School Trends 2018
Senior Consultants Pat Voigt and Kelly Grattan explore how the independent school philanthropic landscape has changed over the last five years and offer actionable steps to realize growth in their fundraising operations.

Strategic Thinking for Independent Schools
If independent schools are to achieve their visions and secure their futures in today’s ever-evolving world, we must make a fundamental shift in our approach to our donors, our Boards, and our development plans—a shift from strategic planning to thinking...Trend-Spotting At A Conference On Philanthropy
When Austin, Texas welcomed the CASE/NAIS (Council for Advancement and Support of Education/National Association of Independent Schools) annual conference in January, we were there and are happy to share a few highlights from the convention about innovations in the nonprofit world.

April Reflections On Enrollment And Fundraising For Independent Schools
Inspire your donors to invest in your school’s bright future with gifts that extend beyond their lifetime. Get started now.